Thursday 10 May 2012


  1. Hi Guys
    All seems to be going to plan and photos look fantastic. What an adventure - you won't want to come home.You look relaxed and tanned already.
    Keep it up.
    Speak soon

  2. blue skies look spookily reminiscent of the skies over devon at the moment(writing in front of roaring fire with 500 layers on!).so have you climbed 50 m yet?
    clare,don't get too close to Simon.The slipstream has certain disadvantages too..
    Very envious,sounds great so far

  3. very impressive mileage so far, are you wearing reinforced undies or are your nether regions used to this much wear and tear? Love the photo outside what looks like the "Suicide Hotel"- just in case Simon's Romanian is taking over, "nu pot merge mai departe" means I cannot go any further"- great effort, Harriet.
