Saturday 19 May 2012

The Great Hungarian Plain

The Great Hungarian Plain stetches for mile upon mile and we're on it and we like it. With a light breeze from the East as we head North we feel that we are flying along, the sun on our back. We make rapid progress, until that is we get lost. Is there a theme developing here? We cycle for miles on a grassy bank which bears no resemblance to where we're meant to be on the map, and there are no locals to help us. Communication can be quite a problem, Hungarian's nearest linguistic neighbour is Finnish and it's taken me two days just to learn "thank you". As for " two beers please"that will take a little while longer. The currency is equally complicated, as there are something like 362 Florints to the pound, so I just cannot do the conversion to sterling. You end up with large wadges of notes , like we did in Serbia and we spend it a bit like monopoly money ( as Clare does in LK Bennett) . The food can also be quite a challenge - we seem to have a knack of ordering food from the menu that is not available. It would be easier if we knew the Hungarian for "just tell us what you've got" . The are some amusing translations too. If I had been a pudding man I might have been tempted by "King's ball with a wild berry sauce". We're staying in a real dive tonight: a truckers hostel on the edge of town, and they've already warned us about the disco. Hopefully tomorrow's accommodation in Budapest will be better, otherwise I'm in trouble. (Kalocsa to Budapest - 63 miles)


  1. What an amazing photo! You must have been confident there was no traffic around to run over the camera. You both look in good shape x

  2. I'm glad the weather has been good of late, it all makes my week sound pretty tame, I remain most impressed - 500 miles+!!- I hope to join you one day for dinner and be in receipt of a lot of excellent stories!

  3. love the king ball desert! haha! sounds like your still having lots of fun hopefully speak this evening...lots of love xxxx

  4. Glad things are looking up!It all sounded rather challenging early on! Perhaps you have got all the bad bits over with and it will be plain sailing from now on! You have done well to keep your blog going so well - or has it been therapy?! Was concerned by your descriptions of heavy traffic and lorries hurtling past. Look after each other - and keep safe!
    Jennie x
