Monday 28 May 2012

Spitting in the Danube

I wake feeling tired and have to take my first dose of Paracetamol for a hangover. I blame Andrew of course! Although I know I required little persuasion, and the Schnapps with locally grown apricot did seem a good idea at the time. I feel quite jaded for most of the morning and whereas yesterday I was happy to take a turn at the front of the peloton, today I am content for the boys to take the strain and I follow obediently behind. I am revived by a coffee and some apple strudel and we continue our journey which for much of the day is so close to the river that you could spit into it. The route is less crowded today and there are fewer wild children to avoid. Infact everywhere seems very quiet and it is not until we try to buy food for our picnic that we realise it is a Bank Holiday. We see a number of strange Christmas Trees at the top of tall poles: decorated with ribbon, and discover they are a May tradition symbolising fertility and manhood. The scenery is picturesque with a number of small churches and palaces with the river carving its path through the hillside. The weather is mixed with some sun, cloud and occasional rain and thunder. There is little opportunity for topless cycling today. We arrive in Linz, after another 70 miles, in a dramatic thunder storm and wander the streets for a while looking for somewhere to stay. We have a pleasant meal, inside for a change, enjoying the seasonal local asparagus. No Schnapps today. (Melk to Linz - 71 miles)


  1. Well done for writing all this as well as cycling 1000 miles - amazing.

  2. Oh dear. It seems since Andrew's arrival, the trip is going from good to worse (or better depending on point of view): mid-route drinking sessions in Austrian Heurigen, late night Schnapps one-up-manship, hangovers and regret, rebirth through symbols of fertility and manhood, and now, my god, even topless cycling. Where will it all end? You are both looking remarkably well on it; Andy will probably return a total basket case.
