Tuesday 5 June 2012

Pizza in a Toy Shop

After another night in heaven we come down to earth for another day in the saddle. We set off at our usual time and although the skies are clear it feels cold. When we discover it is 10 degrees we add layers and leggings again. A helpful biology teacher escorts us on a circuitous route out of Ulm. The Blau River flows into the Danube at Ulm and we have a pleasant trip following the River to its source at Blautopf which means "bowl of the Blau". Expecting to be underwhelmed, we are surprised to find that it really is a magnificent blue colour due to its limestone content and is most impressive. Our diversion takes us back to the Danube which is now becoming noticeably narrower and more shallow as we head towards its source. Simon treads in something nasty: could be goat or horse (nicht hund!) just as a poor local is offering to help us with directions. Suffice it to say his advice is swift and after a cleansing operation we are soon back on track again! We arrive in yet another mediaeval town with baroque and renaissance buildings and we are both struggling to remember its name. We book into a rather functional gasthof. The town seems inexplicably deserted and after searching for somewhere to eat we find ourselves in what appears to be a toy shop that serves pizza. We are almost the only people there and it feels like one of our Romanian experiences. A delightful Italian man makes us a great pizza in surreal surroundings. An early night as Simon has noticed a lot of off road chevrons on the map tomorrow... (Ulm to Riedlingen - 51 miles)

1 comment:

  1. You are still able to manage to keep posting everyday which is an achievement in itself as well as the cycling. It feels like you are nearly home?!
